Press Bay Food Hub and Pantry
Health and Safety Protocols
As you all know, the Food Hub and Pantry were initially a COVID response to food access Downtown. We partnered with many local farms and food rescue groups (namely Friendship Donations Network) to provide a safe place for minimal contact receiving and delivery of food! The evolution of all that is that we are committed to 5 years of Hub and Pantry.
The update for now is that we need to revisit certain customer service protocols in light of rising COVID case loads.
Things that remain the same:
• Our long term commitment to at minimum: Monday Food Pantry (3-5p) and Thursday Food Hub (4- 7p)
• Minimum contact, COVID-safe protocols for as long as this thing lasts- Masks must always be worn over mouth and nose- in the outdoor line AND indoor space. We will not serve unmasked or partially masked customers.
• An open door to farmers who need us for downtown access to customers • A wide welcome to customers at the Pantry, no questions asked
Changes as of December 8, 2020:
• We can no longer offer a waiting space indoors. The line will return to waiting along the W Green ST sidewalk.
• We will serve one person at a time just inside the Food Hub/Pantry door. This is in effect for Hub distribution on Thursday, Dec 10th (4-7p) and Pantry distribution starting Dec 14th (3-5p)
Sanitizing protocols, in brief:
Bleach solution (tested for strength with 1 Tablespoon : 1 gallon water)
Regular hand-washing every 10 minutes with warm water and soap
Regular sanitizing of common spaces and restrooms
Regular cleaning followed by COVID 19 Sanitizing Protocols